Sandplay Workshop
Appropriate for counsellors working with any age. Experience the benefit of sandplay both in your personal life and your work with clients.
Cost: £120
9.30am - 5pm

Creative Therapies Workshop
Appropriate for counsellors working with any age. Experience the benefit of creativity both in your personal life and your work with clients.
Cost: £120
9.30am - 5pm

Sandplay & Creative Therapies Weekend
Sandplay: Appropriate for counsellors working with any age. Experience the benefit of sandplay both in your personal life and your work with clients. Creative Therapies: Appropriate for counsellors working with any age. Experience the benefit of creativity both in your personal life and your work with clients. Combine both days for a weekend of training. £40 saving.
Cost: £200
Friday - Saturday

Attachment & Neuroscience
In this module, we shall: - - identify the key elements of attachment history and development.
- identify the four major styles of attachment in children and young people. - describe how healthy development occurs within a secure attachment relationship in children and young people.
- consider how early attachment experiences and own adolescent years influenced personal development.
- consider the neuroscience of human attachment and the implication for
practice and adolescent brain development.
- demonstrate how to link attachment and developmental theories into own counselling practice.
Diploma Course
9.30am - 5pm

Interrupted Attachment
In this module, we shall: - - consider normal and interrupted development between 0-16 years and the resulting behaviours.
- explore the circumstances in which children may fail to thrive in the absence of a secure environment.
- consider the importance of attachment history when working therapeutically
with children and young people.
- reflect upon own adolescent attachment issues from an attachment perspective.
- evaluate and reflect on the impact of your own child and adolescent years on the therapeutic relationship with young clients.
Diploma Course
9.30am - 5pm

Child Development & Transitions
In this module, we shall: - - explore child and adolescent development as a sequence of changes physically, emotionally socially and cognitively from birth to adulthood.
- identify how children and young people progress from dependency on their
parents and carers to increasing independence.
- identify how nature and nurture influence development, as well as environmental and educational factors.
- explain how attachment theory has influenced child and adolescent
- explain how cognitive and psychological theories influence child and adolescent
- examine the crucial life transitions from nursery to high school and beyond (4-25yrs).
Diploma Course
9.30am - 5pm

Play for Development
In this module, we shall: - - explain how the role of play is an essential method of communication for
childhood and adolescent development.
- explain how the development of play throughout the ages has supported children and young people’s communication development.
- consider and reflect on the Axline's principles of play and how this informs the therapeutic process.
evaluate the importance of a holistic approach to child and adolescent play in a counselling setting.
- explore how social media has influenced adolescent development and social interaction.
- explain how play impacted own development as a child and young person.
Diploma Course
9.30am - 5pm

Working with Trauma
In this module, we shall: - - discuss the different experiences that constitute childhood trauma, and how this
can impact children and young people psychologically and emotionally.
- explore the research into adverse childhood experiences and the health and wellness risks resulting in later life.
- identify the effects of toxic stress on a child’s developing brain and nervous system.
- understand the concepts of vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, burnout and
secondary trauma in the counselling profession.
- develop an awareness of the risk factors and vulnerabilities of the counsellor.
- understanding how to proactively prevent secondary trauma and self-care.
- participate in age-appropriate interventions and therapy for counselling children
and young people through traumatic events and experiences.
Diploma Course
9.30am - 5pm

Assessments & Safe Ethical Practice
In this module, we shall: - - explain the key elements of collaborative assessments when working ethically
with children and young people.
- describe the various methods of therapeutic assessments available to
- identify how to implement safe clinical practice when working with children and
young people identify risk and protective factors for children and young people.
- recognise the different policies around children’s rights across the UK.
Diploma Course
9.30am - 5pm

Multi-Agencies & Systems
In this module, we shall: - - describe the limitations and challenges that may be faced when working
within a school setting and how to manage the complexities of
- explain how to work with care experienced children in a counselling setting.
- understand the use of clinical and ethical skills within multi-agencies, in line with BACP Competencies for Working with Children and Young People.
- identify risk and protective factors for children and young people.
- describe the administration, policies and procedures essential for counselling children and young people.
Diploma Course
9.30am - 5pm

Storytelling, Voice of the Child & Endings
In this module, we shall: - - reflect on how stories past and present have been used throughout the ages to pass on traditions.
- explain how storytelling and metaphor, in a therapeutic setting, can help children and young people understand their life experiences and shape their future.
- identify the key legislation for working therapeutically with children and young
- describe relevant elements of the National Guidance for Child Protection in UK.
- explain why 'good enough' therapeutic endings are essential in relation to working with children and young people.
- understand the difficulties often experienced by children and young people
regarding endings.
Diploma Course
9.30am - 5pm